As Trustee, our role is fiduciary as well as administrative. Alliance Trust Company will work with your legal counsel and your corporation to review trust documents during draft stages. We will alert you to any technical deficiencies or potential problems that may exist. Upon Closing, we will diarize the covenants and take action as required. Alliance Trust Company will act in the following capacities:
1. Depository and Information Agent for Reorganizations, Mergers and Acquisitions
Take-over Bids can be a time of high level of activity and stress. Because no corporation can afford to risk the successful outcome of an Offer, many will devote substantial resources towards assembling a top performing “deal team”.
Choosing the best Depository and Information Agent is also a critical element of the process. Your Depository will be need to be a strong partner and be readily available at all times to provide accurate information.
Acting as Depository and Information Agent is a function in which our team excels. Our commitment is to work with you, to achieve the exceptional results you demand and deserve.
Market-Leading expertise
At Alliance Trust Company, our team has the background experience and expertise to communicate effectively with your shareholders. To simplify even the most complex deals, and to make the process much easier for them, here are some of the strategies we employ:
We offer assistance in completing tender documents.
If shareholders have lost or misplaced their share certificates, our team will guide them through the complex replacement procedure, to ensure they obtain the Bond of Indemnity in as short a time frame as possible.
If the share certificate is part of an Estate, our team will guide the shareholder in obtaining the appropriate Estate documentation and tendering the shares in a timely manner.
In the case of non-registered shareholders (shares held through a brokerage account), our team will actively communicate with CDS and Cede & Co. participants. We are especially skilled in managing this layer of the non-transparent shareholder base.
Timely and Effective Communication
During a Take-over Bid, shareholders are often intimidated by their perception that the material received is too complex to grasp. As a result, they will often take no action. Yet, shareholder action is crucial to the success of any Take-over Bid.
Our team will personally communicate with each shareholder to ensure that he/she is aware of the importance and time sensitivity of the documents received, and to help them correctly complete all necessary documentation.
Follow-through — the art of attending to every detail with meticulous care — is vital to achieving outstanding results in all areas, but more so in Mergers and Acquisitions. Our team’s track record speaks for itself.
2. Trustee for Income Trusts
Income Trusts are complex structures that require careful and meticulous administration and maintenance. Our qualified staff will work with you through every stage; from draft to completion. Drawing on our experience, we can provide valuable insight in order to avoid future problems.
Alliance Trust Company will act in the following capacities:
Trustee for Note Indenture
Transfer Agent and Registrar for the Income Trust Units
Cash Distribution Agent
Program Manager for Distribution Reinvestment Plans
Maintenance and dissemination of Tax Information
3. Trustee, Transfer Agent and Registrar for Debenture Issues
Alliance Trust Company will act in the following capacities:
Trustee under the Trust Indenture
Transfer Agent and Registrar for the Debentures
Interest Disbursing Agent
Maintenance and dissemination of Tax Information
4. Trustee under Warrant Indentures / Special Warrant Indentures
In the initial stages, we will work with your corporation and your underwriters to review documents within the time frame you specify. We also provide cash management services for the funds entrusted to us. Alliance Trust Company will act in the following capacities:
Trustee under the Warrant Indenture
Transfer Agent and Registrar for the Warrants
5. Trustee and Plan Administrator for Employee Stock Savings Plans
Employee Stock Savings Plans are a popular method of compensating employees, thus encouraging loyalty and fostering dedication. Corporations are becoming increasingly innovative in the plans they devise. The fiduciary and administrative aspects can be complicated. In addition, the appointment of a third party which is neutral always creates a good perception with the employees. Alliance Trust Company provides a secure alternative. Based on our experience with Plans, we can efficiently review draft documents and offer appropriate suggestions if required.
Alliance Trust Company will act in the following capacities:
Maintain records and provide quarterly statements
Trustee for the Plan