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As Trustee, our role is fiduciary as well as administrative. Alliance Trust Company will work with your legal counsel and your corporation to review trust documents during draft stages. We will alert you to any technical deficiencies or potential problems that may exist. Upon Closing, we will diarize the covenants and take action as required.

As Transfer Agent and Registrar, Alliance Trust Company provides administrative services for all transactions involving publicly listed corporations.

SEDI stands for System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders
An initiative of the Canadian Securities Administrators (CAS) and CDS Inc., SEDI is the on‐line computer system providing for the transmission, receipt, review and dissemination of Insider Trading reports and related information filed electronically.


B U I L D I N G  A L L I A N C E S -

I N  C O R P O R A T E  T R U S T

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